Hampshire and Isle of Wight Long Term Plan Report

Healthwatch England commissioned the four Local Healthwatch organisations (Healthwatch Hampshire, Healthwatch Southampton, Healthwatch Portsmouth and Healthwatch Isle of Wight) to carry out a survey to understand people’s views of the Long Term Plan.

What matters most to people in Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and Isle of Wight?

The main themes from the data collated were as follows:

  • People want easy and quick access to health care when they need it, especially to GP services, and to be able to receive the treatment and support they need without long waiting times.
  • People want to be more involved in their care, to be listened to by professionals and to have their time valued. Choosing the right treatment should be a joint decision between the individual and the professional with people being supported to consider their options to make the right choices for them.
  • People want to know their information is secure, but they also want better sharing of information between services, specialities and professionals (as well as access to their own information) to make services more seamless.
  • People want clear, concise and timely communication about all aspects of their care.
  • People want quick and easy access to clear information to help them make decisions about their health and care. They also want access to support for healthy living, including access to good dietary information and exercise facilities to enable them to stay independent for as long as possible.
  • People want local services, accessible easily.
  • Finally, people want to feel supported at end of life.

When a clinician sees me I want them to have complete access to my clinical history without hindrance. I certainly do not want to have the need to ask one clinician if another can see my notes. I want my notes to be regarded as my property and not that of the NHS or someone else.

- Hampshire resident


Read the full report 

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Long Term Report

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