Accident and Emergency Department Report 2017
Following the public consultation to determine Healthwatch Isle of Wight's workplan priorities, feedback received relating to the IW NHS Trust Accident and Emergency Department was analysed, four key themes were identified and a survey was undertaken
The key focus areas of the survey were those that were highlighted in the public feedback;
- communication
- discharge
- diagnosis
- patient pathway
The questionnaire also sought to explore the idea that people may be coming to the Emergency Department inappropriately.
Key findings
- NHS 111 advised 93% of the people that called them to go to the Accident and Emergency department
- 82% of people had a satisfactory experience leaving the Accident and Emergency department
- Few people commented on long waits within the department. However, even though people were not necessarily waiting for what felt like a long time, the lack of communication around potential waiting times left many patients feeling anxious and confused.
If you need this report in a different format please email or call 01983 608608.
Accident and Emergency Department Report 2017