Unpaid Carers Report 'Paying the Price' 2016
This report sought to find out whether the challenge of meeting the needs of carers is being met on the Isle of Wight and to understand more about the experiences of carers and how their role impacts on lives on a day to day basis.
We spoke with a wide range of carers from all age groups and backgrounds and found that despite a wealth of policies and commitments in support of unpaid carers both nationally and locally, carers often found themselves isolated and without the support they needed.
Key findings
- The need for services to act quickly can prevent the escalation to crisis point, too often we heard that it was only a crisis that prompted social care services into action and this was usually when a carer could no longer continue in their role.
- Access to good quality advice and information is vital. Overwhelmingly people told us that they 'didn't know where to start' when trying to access services
- There is currently in excess of 16,000 people on the Island with a caring responsibility and this is likely to rise in the coming years as people live longer, but with more long term disabling conditions.
If you need this report in a different format please email enquiries@healthwatchisleofwight.co.uk or call 01983 608608.
Unpaid Carers Report 'Paying the Price' 2016