Maternity Review Report 2015
Healthwatch Isle of Wight undertook this review of maternity services as follow up to a previous report to ensure that recommendations had been implemented.
Following the initial Maternity Report by Healthwatch Isle of Wight that was released in 2014, an action plan was published by the IW NHS Trust to achieve the recommendations in the original report.
Healthwatch Isle of Wight initially intended to carry out this review during February 2015, however, due to the recommissioning of Children's Centres as Integrated Early Help Centres and the subsequent change of provider, this was delayed until the summer months of 2015.
Key findings
- Overall there was more positive feedback for maternity services, including Health Visitors and Children's Centres than there was negative. We received all positive feedback regarding labour and the the Supervisors of Midwives
- There is a significant amount of negative feedback surrounding the current rotation of midwives and lack of continuity of care in the community
- It is clear that great strides have been taken to improve breastfeeding support and the diagnosis, treatment and specialised feeding support for babies with tongue tie, but there is more to do.
If you need this report in a different format please email or call 01983 608608.
Maternity Review Report 2015