Healthwatch Isle of Wight Maternity Services Review
Healthwatch Isle of Wight carried out a review of maternity services to ensure that recommendations made in a previous report had been implemented. Following the initial maternity report that was released in 2014 an action plan was published to achieve the recommendations made in the original report.
Healthwatch Isle of Wight intended to review maternity services in February, however, due to the re-commissioning of children's centres as integrated early help centres and the subsequent change of provider, this was delayed until the summer months.
Undetected tongue ties and subsequent feeding problems was the major issue uncovered in the first report. Healthwatch were therefore delighted to discover no negative feedback in relation to tongue ties during this review. This, alongside comments from a health visitor stating that the pathway was much clearer, provides some reassurance that this recommendation has been fully addressed and implemented.
Although more positive feedback was received than negative during this review, there are still outstanding issues that remain unaddressed. Continuity of midwives and a lack of staff on the post-natal ward are still negatively impacting on peoples experiences and Healthwatch would like to see this addressed as a matter of urgency.
You can read the full report and the 7 recommendations that have been made by clicking here.